Jeep! Always go Jeep! My bro and his friend got a Jeep Cherokee CJ for only $600. They both ran fine, they already have lifts and HUGE tires for them, and they are loads of fun. My bro gets 24 mpg, he goes mudding and rock crawling with them, and they have easy storage. Jeep Cherokees have loads of trunk space, a great engine (if you go 6 cyl.), and they hardly ever break down. Parts are easy to get, cheap (low money great quality), and people can easily help you on the Jeep forums. So, since you need a U.S. car thats reliable, fun, practical, and cheap but good quality, get a Jeep Cherokee. Make Sure it's a late 80's and early 90's one. Also, if you hit a tree with them and damage your fender, you'll get more respect. For a Jeep, body damage is considered cool. Besides, Jeep's are tough vehicles! Still, don't annilate it.